Look inside your body
84 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Costul de livrare se calculeaza odata cu adaugarea produsului in cos si selectarea localitatii destinatie.
How many bones does a baby have? How many smells can the brain remember? Where can you find the largest muscle in our body? More than 100 flaps invite you to find out more about your body. Lots of exciting information and great illustrations reveal how the different bodily parts and organs work together and what functions they have.
Additionally, on some pages you will find tips on how to test your senses of vision, touch and smell as well as your brain. And if you are interested in learning what air velocity a sneezer has, how much your brain or the brain of a sperm whale weighs or how many balloons you could fill up with your daily breathing air, then this is the right book for you. Have fun!
ISBN | 978-1-4095-4947-5 |
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