Macleods clinical diagnosis japp
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Cod produs: 0000223706
Editura: Educational Center
ISBN: 978-0-7020-6961-1
Disponibilitate: In stoc

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14 de zile drept de retur. detalii
Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis demonstrates how to apply the core clinical skills learned from the companion textbook Macleod’s Clinical Examination to maximum advantage. Charting the course from routine work-up to diagnosis, this book presents a modern and realistic approach to clinical assessment and explains how to integrate information obtained from the history, examination, bedside tests and specialised investigations.
- The first section Principles of clinical assessment examines different approaches to diagnosis, reviews the fundamental elements necessary for accurate patient assessment, provides a helpful template for a ‘routine workup’ and describes how to adapt the assessment to fit the clinical context.
- The second core section of the book Assessment of common presenting problems contains a series of ‘diagnostic guides’ that lead the reader, step-by-step through the major presenting problems in medicine and surgery, explaining how to recognise red flag features, eliminate life-threatening conditons and generate a logical differential diagnosis.
This book has been praised as an invaluable resource for senior medical students and junior doctors as they attempt to make the difficult transition from mastering basic clinical skills to assessing patients in the real world of clinical medicine.
ISBN | 978-0-7020-6961-1 |
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