What is the surface of Mars like Why does Venus glow in the dark How do scientists explore faraway planets Beginner readers can find answers to these questions and more in this colourful information book Illustrated with stunning photographs and illustrations accompanied by short informative text developed with reading experts Includes carefully selected internet-links to exciting websites about the Solar System 

The Solar System

de Emily Bone

52.5 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000273621

Editura: Usborne

ISBN: 978-1-4095-1424-4

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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14 de zile drept de retur. detalii

What is the surface of Mars like? Why does Venus glow in the dark? How do scientists explore faraway planets? Beginner readers can find answers to these questions and more in this colourful information book. Illustrated with stunning photographs and illustrations accompanied by short, informative text developed with reading experts. Includes carefully selected internet-links to exciting websites about the Solar System.


ISBN 978-1-4095-1424-4
Tip coperta Cartonat

Emily Bone

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