Super Safari Level 2 Pupil`s Book with DVD rom
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Cod produs: 0000255879
Editura: Educational Center
ISBN: 978-1-107-47688-2
Disponibilitate: In stoc

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Super Safari American English edition is a three-level pre-primary English course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs, and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, motor-sensory, and social development.
Join Polly, Leo, Mike, and Gina on an exciting adventure that welcomes children to English through colorful stories, action songs, arts and crafts, and tons of fun. With children’s development needs in mind, Super Safari American English edition introduces the new language through play while improving memory and concentration; practicing motor-sensory skills and developing thinking and creativity. Together with their animal friends, children also discover the fascinating world around them and the joy of playing together, the importance of sharing, and other social values. Join the adventure, join Super Safari for a super start to learning.
Developing thinking skills - The real-world content pages and Projects complement the children’s blooming appreciation of the world around them. These pages nurture what is a child’s single best learning tool: their curiosity, and introduce them to cognitive activities such as comparing and categorizing.
Introducing Social Values - learning in a group is a skill that many pre-schoolers are only beginning to learn. Colourful stories and friendly characters gently introduce children to the key concepts of forming a part of a community such as: sharing and helping others. Children can also interact with the stories by watching the animations, following the stories in Big Books, or completing the scenes in the book with stickers.
Involving Parents - parents play an important role in supporting their child’s education in the early years and Super Safari creates lots of opportunities for parents to get involved in the child’s learning:
- ‘Family fun’ pages in the Pupil’s Book invite parents to enjoy the stories and activities with children at home.
- The Pupil’s Book DVD-ROM includes the songs and games for children to practice at home with their parents.
- A guide to the DVD-ROM games, song lyrics, story scripts and Parent-Child activity worksheets provide further ideas for helping children learn English at home.
Easy-to-use Digital Support - captivate children’ attention with animates stories, interactive activities, engage learners of all abilities and improve classroom management, with the easy-to-use digital tools:
- Presentation Plus presentation software with interactive Pupil’s Book, Activity Book, teacher resources and the complete video and audio content – ideal for use on computers or tablets.
- The Pupil’s Book DVD-ROM includes the course songs and interactive games to reinforce the language.
- Songs with subtitles and animated stories on the Teacher’s DVD engage children’s attention adding to the multi-sensory experience.
A confident start in education - at the same time phonics, social values and CLIL provide a solid grounding for literacy, social and cognitive skills that will prepare them for success in school and in life. Children can grow in confidence in literacy and numeracy thanks to the Letters and Numbers books.
An enjoyable learning experience - at the very start of their learning journey children have specific needs. For many of them it is the first experience of being in a group, away from the comfort of their home. Super Safari uses songs, games and stories to introduce language and social skills to appeal to children’s imagination, create a warm and welcoming class atmosphere in order to make children enthusiastic about learning.
ISBN | 978-1-107-47688-2 |
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