A history of the often brutal world of the gladiators written in an engaging narrative style and containing full colour illustrations throughout Includes details of the different types of gladiators their costumes and weaponry famous gladiators and the arenas in which they fought Part of Young Reading Level 3 created for children ready to tackle longer stories and more diverse subjects Developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University Internet-links to


de Minna Lacey

49 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000262148

Editura: Usborne

Data aparitie: 2006

ISBN: 978074606830-4

Numar de pagini: 64

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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A history of the often brutal world of the gladiators written in an engaging narrative style and containing full colour illustrations throughout. Includes details of the different types of gladiators, their costumes and weaponry, famous gladiators and the arenas in which they fought. Part of Young Reading Level 3, created for children ready to tackle longer stories and more diverse subjects. Developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University. Internet-links to recommended websites to find out more about this fascinating world.

Data aparitie 2006
ISBN 978074606830-4
Numar de pagini 64
Tip coperta Cartonat

Minna Lacey

Numar pagini 64

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