There are lots of farm animals and objects to match in this entertaining card game for young children There are 52 snap cards 13 matching sets of 4 with labelled pictures showing a tractor pigs cows lambs and lots more The game can be played with fewer cards to make it easier for younger players to join in 

Farm Snap

de Lucy Bowman

50.4 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000267417

Editura: Usborne

ISBN: 978-1-4749-7083-9

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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14 de zile drept de retur. detalii

There are lots of farm animals and objects to match in this entertaining card game for young children. There are 52 snap cards (13 matching sets of 4), with labelled pictures showing a tractor, pigs, cows, lambs and lots more. The game can be played with fewer cards to make it easier for younger players to join in.


ISBN 978-1-4749-7083-9
Tip coperta Cartonat

Lucy Bowman

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