This appealing book and jigsaw is the perfect way to help children grow in confidence as they learn to tell the time The brightly illustrated 100-piece jigsaw features familiar daily scenes such as getting up and having breakfast as well as a clock face with movable hands that children can set to different times The accompanying book explains different aspects of telling the time from hours minutes and seconds to digital and 24-hour clocks in a clear and accessible way

Usborne Book and Jigsaw Telling the Time

de Kate Nolan

109.2 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000273986

Editura: Usborne

ISBN: 978-1-8053-1-293-2

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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This appealing book and jigsaw is the perfect way to help children grow in confidence as they learn to tell the time. The brightly illustrated 100-piece jigsaw features familiar daily scenes such as getting up and having breakfast, as well as a clock face with movable hands that children can set to different times. The accompanying book explains different aspects of telling the time, from hours, minutes and seconds to digital and 24-hour clocks, in a clear and accessible way.

ISBN 978-1-8053-1-293-2
Tip coperta Cartonat

Kate Nolan

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