The great verb game
Costul de livrare se calculeaza odata cu adaugarea produsului in cos si selectarea localitatii destinatie.
Cod produs: 0000214789
Editura: Centrul de Carte Straina Sitka
ISBN: 978-88-536-2807-7
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Livrare detalii

14 de zile drept de retur. detalii
Level A2-B1
This game is a useful tool for practising verb conjugation as a strict sense of type and formation of sentence are involved; a very valid didactic instrument.
The cards show 100 different verbs in the infinitive. The players choose one card and throw the three dice: the green die for personal pronouns, the red for the sentence types and the yellow for the tense. With the indications shown, the player formulates a sentence. E.g. you + have breakfast + interrogative + yesterday = Did you have breakfast yesterday?
The teacher’s booklet contains suggestions for further ways to play with the materials and a complete list of the verbs.
• 100 cards of verbs in the infinitive
• 1 die indicating the tense: now, always, tomorrow, yesterday, ever/just, if
• 1 die of personal pronouns
• 1 die of symbols showing sentence type, e.g. positive, negative, interrogative
• A teacher’s booklet
• To learn to conjugate regular and irregular verbs
A Teacher's Guide is included.
The kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains:
100 cards
3 dice
Teacher's Guide
ISBN | 978-88-536-2807-7 |
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