This eye-catching book is full of dinosaurs and other things to spot match count and talk about Animals in each scene offer readers specific fun challenges such as asking them to find a dinosaur in sunglasses and there is a row of pictures at the bottom of each page showing other things to spot and count including a little white mouse in each picture Children will enjoy the challenge whilst parents can be reassured that kids are practising essential

Look and Find Puzzles Dinosaurs

de Kirsteen Robson

43.75 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000267655

Editura: Usborne

ISBN: 978-1-4749-8876-6

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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This eye-catching book is full of dinosaurs and other things to spot, match, count and talk about. Animals in each scene offer readers specific fun challenges, such as asking them to find a dinosaur in sunglasses, and there is a row of pictures at the bottom of each page showing other things to spot and count, including a little white mouse in each picture. Children will enjoy the challenge whilst parents can be reassured that kids are practising essential skills.


ISBN 978-1-4749-8876-6
Tip coperta Necartonat

Kirsteen Robson

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