The Pupils Book presents and practises new language through amusing stories fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupils Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One making the learning process a joy The unique access code inside the front cover 

Kid s box new generation level 6 pupil s book

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Cod produs: 0000268302

ISBN: 978-1-108-79531-9

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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The Pupil's Book presents and practises new language through amusing stories, fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupil's Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One, making the learning process a joy. The unique access code inside the front cover.


ISBN 978-1-108-79531-9

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