Kid's Box Level 2 Pupil's Book British English 2nd Edition PB
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Cod produs: 0000214517
Editura: Centrul de Carte Straina Sitka
ISBN: 978-1-316-62767-9
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Livrare detalii

14 de zile drept de retur. detalii
An update of the well-loved course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests.
The fun course for seriously good results! This seven-level course delights children and inspires teachers with its bright ideas for the classroom. Perfect for general use Kid's Box Second edition is now updated with new vocabulary and activities so that it fully covers the syllabus of the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. The Pupil's Book 2 presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Cambridge English: Starter-type tests evaluate progress and familiarise children with the international tests format.
ISBN | 978-1-316-62767-9 |