It’s summertime Jack’ s going on holiday to the seaside with his grandma and grandadJack is on his summer holidays He’s at the seaside with his grandma and grandad Alfie is Jack’s dog He’s on holiday too Follow Jack and Alfie in their funadventures at the beachSyllabusVocabulary areasAt the seaside colours clothesGrammar and structuresSingular and plural nouns with

Hooray for the holidays

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Cod produs: 0000242959

ISBN: 978-88-536-3110-7

Disponibilitate: In stoc

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It’s summertime! Jack’ s going on holiday to the seaside with his grandma and grandad.

Jack is on his summer holidays. He’s at the seaside with his grandma and grandad. Alfie is Jack’s dog. He’s on holiday too! Follow Jack and Alfie in their fun

adventures at the beach.


Vocabulary areas

At the seaside, colours, clothes

Grammar and structures

Singular and plural nouns with ‘s’,

Possessive form (’s),

Present simple (positive, negative,

interrogative forms), Have got for

possession, Can/Can’t for ability, Let’s


At the seaside | Free time

ISBN 978-88-536-3110-7

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