The series of personifications of the seasons was in part thanks to the rapid technical progress made with lithography immediately a major commercial success The clearly delineated figures are both seductive and melancholy and have a sensuality new to that era In this statue adaptation of the young maiden Summer she lounges along a creek with her feet in the water The flower headpiece she wears is radiant with rich orange-red blossoms

Statueta (Polystone) Mucha Vara 22cm MUC05

228 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs: 0000141942



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The series of personifications of the seasons was, in part thanks to the rapid technical progress made with lithography, immediately a major commercial success. The clearly delineated figures are both seductive and melancholy, and have a sensuality new to that era. In this statue adaptation of the young maiden "Summer", she lounges along a creek with her feet in the water. The flower headpiece she wears is radiant with rich orange-red blossoms.

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