Millions of people in the world can finish the lyrics to this beautiful and beloved Christmas Carl But not many can tell you where it came from Now Werner Thuswaldner and renowned artist Robert Ingpen do just that From the lives of its poor and downtrodden creators to how this glorious composition went on to transcend classes and cultures the history of the song Silent Night is one worth celebratingComplete with the comprehensive song lyrics this lavishly illustrated and

Silent Night, Holy Night. A song for the World

de Werner Thuswaldner, Robert Ingpen

Cod produs: 0000243552

Editura: Astro Impex

Data aparitie: 2014

ISBN: 978-988-8240-12-8


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Numele tau:
Millions of people in the world can finish the lyrics to this beautiful and beloved Christmas Carl. But not many can tell you where it came from. Now Werner Thuswaldner and renowned artist Robert Ingpen do just that. From the lives of its poor and downtrodden creators, to how this glorious composition went on to transcend classes and cultures, the history of the song Silent Night is one worth celebrating.
Complete with the comprehensive song lyrics, this lavishly illustrated and beautifully told story is a gift that embodies peace, love and the spirit of Christmas itself.

Data aparitie 2014
ISBN 978-988-8240-12-8
Tip coperta Cartonat

Werner Thuswaldner, Robert Ingpen
